Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Project Presentation at American Public Works Association, Minnesota Chapter

Presentation: Downstream/Upstream: Fostering Appreciation of Water/Sewer Infrastructure through Creative Collaboration in Education and Outreach
November 15, 2012
2012 APWA MN Fall Conference (American Public Works Association, Minnesota Chapter)
Co-presenting with Bill Dircks, Public Works Superintendent, City of Little Canada Water Department, member MN APWA

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mississippi River Forum to feature Downstream/Upstream

Downstream/Upstream: A Journey Through the Urban Water Cycle
Friday, July 27, 2012. 8:00-9:30 a.m. (St. Cloud)
Friday, August 24, 2012. 8:00-9:30 a.m. (Twin Cities)
Mississippi River Forum Lectures, National Park Service
FREE to Public -- RSVP to
Link to Mississippi River Forum Description

The Mississippi River Forum is hosted by the National Park Service. "The Mississippi River Forum is intended to increase coordination between a multidisciplinary group of practitioners and decision-makers who are not consistently aware that related work is being done by others. The Forum is also an opportunity for practitioners to connect their work to those in different fields who also impact the quality of the river."

Friday, June 8, 2012

Heading Up-river...Downstream/Upstream and its associated curriculum model to be presented at Minnesota Association of Environmental Education Conference, June 21, 2012

I will present "Art, Story, and Infrastructure: A Model for Experiential Interconnection in Environmental Education" at the 2012 Minnesota Association for Environmental Education Conference: Rec-reate, Re-create, at Itasca State Park, June 21-22, 2012.

The conference promises to be as interesting as in years past with its great variety of formal and informal environmental educators, practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. I'm particularly pleased to be presenting Downstream/Upstream at the headwaters of the Mississippi which is a central part of the project.

Session Abstract
It has been said we need “a new story” of the earth and our place in it to move toward sustainability. The concept of interdependence is fundamental to sustainability, but hard to comprehend in a culture still designed around individual independence. This session presents an exploratory demonstration project and curriculum framework designed for experiential interconnection of children with their human and natural community. The framework centers on revealing interconnecting water infrastructure specific to a child’s experience. The approach is place-based and interdisciplinary --incorporating participatory public art and transformative journey design to make environmental content more personally meaningful. The demonstration project, Downstream/Upstream, took early childhood and Kindergarten classes on a two-week journey from their school through their urban water cycle, tracing a path of their sink-water from the Mississippi River, along upstream infrastructure to the faucet. The next week they traveled from their drain, along downstream infrastructure, arriving by boat to the outflow channel where their sink-water returns to the river. Children engaged with the journey through science, art, photography, music, movement, mosaics, water meter measurement, story-telling, utility representatives, and service projects. Preliminary results from pre/post-tests, observations, and feedback indicate the project was associated with increased awareness of nature-infrastructure interconnections, and increased sense of competency, curiosity, and identification as a water steward. The companion Pre-K/K-12/post-secondary curriculum framework, which outlines core elements and suggests adaptations by age group, will be downloadable at time of presentation. Format: slide presentation, video, participatory activities. Target audience: All-age school and program leaders .

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Exhibit Announcement: Downstream Upstream: A Journey Through the Urban Water Cycle, May 12 - July 12, 2012 (Extended to August 8, 2012)

The Downstream/Upstream project will be featured at an exhibit at the University of Minnesota Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library in Rapson Hall from May 12 - July 12, 2012 (Extended to August 8, 2012). Summer hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm.
For parking, address, and map visit the Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library Website
From the Exhibit Notice:
"Downstream/Upstream: A Journey Through the Urban Water Cycle documents a two-week journey that 39 kids, ages 4-6, took to explore the infrastructure of water. On exhibit are the photographs, artists' books, maps, and diagrams that illustrate their exploration of the urban water cycle starting from a classroom sink to the Mississippi River — upstream and downstream. Jonee Kulman Brigham led a structured and creative collaborative project that allowed children to explore cultural narratives and issues of sustainability related to the flow of water."